Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haiti on my Mind 2: The Future

--Re-establish flour mill in Haiti, owned by the people of Haiti (state)
--Establish local state bank (how ? all salaries first go into this bank) 
--Re-institute grain and rice growing and re-invest in rural infrastructure
--Study local and other Carribean island traditions. attain food self sufficiency within 5 years
--Re-vitalize local grain production, and bakery/tortilla processing locations, at least one per 75.000 people
--Impose tarrifs on imported foods which will provide the taxbase and stimulus for local growing.
--Start re-forestation programs, establish water catchments and 'condense rain' curtains in the      mountainous areas. Employment/school tree planting programs.
 --Form alliances on healthcare and energy with immediate neighbors, 
including Cuba (doctors) and Venezuela (cheap energy).
--Architecture: forget about concrete, whether imported or local, from now on, start growing building    materials. Bamboo is relatively quick.
--Introduce technologies for solar cooking and pv decentralized energy production.
--Establish a government of the people, for the people, by the people

Pressure other governments, the French and US in particular, for some kind of historical reparations that can then be used in large scale environmental improvement and economic self sustainability. Resist further economic colonization.
Of course nothing can happen until the immediate suffering is alleviated. Our thoughts are with the doctors, the nurses, the Hatian people..... and all the ones that are distributing food and hauling water.....hats off.....

1 comment:

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    Ak Malten
    Fangmanweg 66
    6862EK Oosterbeek
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